Worswell Barton
Near: Plymouth
Tel: 01752 872977
No of Rooms: 4 (2ES, 1T, 1D)
Sleeps: 1-8
Worwsell Barton Farmhouse B&B
B & B accommodation near Noss Mayo
Mentioned in the Domesday Book, and steeped in history, why not start your day with our breakfast, Sausages, Bacon are produced from our Pigs that eat all our excess vegetable over the winter months that are not sold in our veggie bags scheme, fresh eggs from our hens that do as they please, often served with Tomatoes from our green house. We try to make the start of your day special so we also make Yoghurt, Bread, and preserves from fruit in our garden. Rooms are named after points on the coast; all have tea/coffee facilities, dressing gowns and slippers for your comfort. We have two double en-suite rooms, a twin/double with private shower and separate shared toilet, also a small double with in-room shower and shared toilet.
A short 25 min walk will take you to the village of Noss Mayo, which has two Pubs we are happy to book tables and can also arrange for you to be taken and collected from the pub of your choice.
The SDCP surrounds the farm so whether you like to walk, stroll, or even explore our hidden gems Worswell Barton could just be what you are looking for.
To find out more click here to visit our website